Practice Managers
With comprehensive options at your fingertips, allow Shexie Platinum to handle mundane tasks automatically, such as the reconciliation of payments from Medicare, DVA and Health Funds, appointment confirmation SMS and much more. Take control of your system with our thorough built-in security system and ensure that each staff member can only access the areas they are responsible for.
Our extensive reporting and auditing options means you will always be able to track important information that is being processed via Shexie Platinum and see when it was done and which team member performed the action.
The fully customisable diary makes scheduling your patients a breeze, with each provider able to specify their own set of appointment types with custom durations and colours.
See all your patient’s clinical information in one place, whilst retaining access to administrative details should they be required. Use our checklist feature to ensure there are no mistakes with your theatre lists, including the Online Eligibility Check via supported Health Funds.
Record your findings and post operative instructions via our theatre booking process, then have those automatically populated into your operation report ready to be added to the patient’s file. Combined with our mobile webapp, dictate your letters and other documents via our integrated dictation module, even when you are outside the practice. These letters are available immediately for the practice to finalise and forward onto their final recipients. No longer are you required to return to the rooms to ‘synch’ your dictation.

Shexie Platinum offers full electronic prescriptions via eRx allowing them to be sent via eMail or SMS to your patients. Our integration with MyHealth1st allows the practice to offer online appointments, with full control over which appointment times you make available for patients.
Take it a step further, with our online patient forms that allow patients to fill out all their demographical information online leading up to their appointment, and upon submission this information is automatically updated into their file, meaning staff do not have to do this manually.
Shexie Platinum supports Anaesthetic billing with each provider able to have their own private Unit rate. During the billing process, Platinum captures the start and finish time for the procedure and automatically calculates the appropriate time item required. Other items such as age modifiers are automatically added to the invoice when required.

For those practices that require more in depth information breakdowns, Shexie Platinum offers this with our customisable Statistical Forms. Rather than force you to use a generic template, Shexie Platinum provides the tools for you to build your own forms that contain the questions that are important to your practice.
Each field on every form can be reported on independently, along with all information being compatible with our letter production process, meaning you do not have to double handle this information.
To further enhance this process, these forms can also be linked with our Online Patient Form option, allowing you to send questionnaires for your patients to fill out electronically and submit back to the practice. This allows the patient to ‘pre-fill’ these fields prior to their consultation, saving you time.
Our software is widely used across Australia and popular for it’s usability. Read what our customers think.
Yes, you can easily do conversions and migrations of other practice management databases and systems into Shexie Platinum.
Yes. Whilst Shexie Platinum remains a full desktop application it is perfectly capable of being run via a cloud server. We can even offer this as part of the package should you be interested, or you can use any of the accredited cloud hosts available on the market today. The greatest part is that even when run in the cloud, Shexie Platinum retains all of its functionality providing a true practice management experience with full cloud portability when required.
Yes, you can run Shexie Platinum on Mac computers using Bootcamp, Fusion or Parallels. Contact your hardware supplier to advise which is the best option for your site. If you, or your hardware people, have any questions about this contact the Shexie HelpDesk on 1300 743 943.
Yes, no need for paper files! Save space and have all necessary patient and practice info at your fingertips! Shexie Platinum’s fully integrated plug-and-play scanning system means you can scan any paper document directly into a patient’s electronic file with the press of a button, removing the need to hang on to oceans of paperwork. But it doesn’t stop there, modern practices see more and more information (referrals, letters from other doctors etc) being sent via email and other electronic means. Platinum has this covered too! By employing a unique file linking system, Platinum makes adding any electronic file (.pdf .jpeg even video files!) a simple drag and drop.
Absolutely. The days of bulky paper batches and waiting several weeks for claims paid are behind you! Shexie Platinum allows you to send and receive all manner of claims (Medicare, DVA & Private Health) with the press of a button. Not only that, Platinum will also confirm a patient’s Medicare and Health Fund details for you. This means you only need to get a patient’s details once and Platinum will keep them up-to-date for you! And just to make things that little bit easier, all Medicare, DVA and Private Health rate updates are downloaded automatically, ensuring you always have the most current info at your fingertips.
Time to let someone else manage those mountains of pathology and radiology results. With Shexie Platinum, all you need to do is ask your pathology/radiology provider to install their delivery software, Platinum handles the rest. All your results will be attached to the patients file automatically and presented in a neat and tidy order for the doctor to review. In addition, Platinum comes preloaded with several pathology/radiology request templates, just place your company’s request form in the printer and Platinum will print it out for you!
Producing any type of letter in Shexie Platinum is simple and hassle free. Once you’ve created a letter template in Microsoft Word (a process any of our staff are happy to guide you through), a letter can be produced for any patient containing all pertinent information. All you need to do is add any extra text! Platinum also provides a range of dispatch options including email, ARGUS, MEDICAL OBJECTS, Healthlink and many more.
Shexie Platinum features a robust financial system, allowing any type of billing you can think of, even the occasional really unusual one! To back this up, Platinum provides very extensive financial (and non-financial) reports that will provide comprehensive information on any activity within the system.
Yes. Are you tired of making all those confirmation phone calls? Shexie Platinum’s onboard SMS system makes confirming appointments and getting other information to patients easy. Just select the appointments you want to confirm and one button press later, your patient will receive an SMS with all the details. They can even send a reply back and Platinum will mark their appointment as confirmed (if they have actually confirmed it of course). Also, you can create a personalised message for an individual patient or send out bulk information (i.e ‘the doctor is running 20 mins late’ or ‘please ensure you have the required tests/paperwork’).
Yes. The full knowledge of the MIMS database can be at your fingertips with Shexie Platinum. With a subscription to MIMS, Platinum will allow you access to its fully integrated MIMS system. What does this mean? Not only is the entire MIMS book available to search through for any drug information but Platinum allows you to ‘pull’ drug information for your own use, ensuring all your scripts are up-to-date. In addition, this allows Platinum to utilise the MIMS drug interaction checking against a patient’s existing medications and health conditions, warning you if there is any potential risks.
On top of its already extensive data reporting, Shexie Platinum allows you to create your own reports, forms, questionnaires and anything else you can think of. This allows you to create bulk information reports across your entire practice or individualised ones on a patient to patient basis. Our support staff are more than happy to show you how to make the most of this new exciting and flexible system.
Yes, we call it ‘Doctor’s Desktop’. We all know how busy doctors are and that they need to see relevant information as quickly and efficiently as possible. This function presents the doctor with everything they need to see and nothing they don’t. A patient’s history, medications and documentation are presented in an easy-to-access format meaning the doctor can concentrate on their patient. Also, this system allows the doctor to forward any invoice details or next appointment information to his reception staff, further streamlining the billing process.
Yes. You can set up unit billing. For management items, Platinum captures start and finish times and calculates time items automatically. Age modifiers are also applied automatically.
Yes. You can capture data and produce files and reports for state, HCP and fund reporting. Booking and Theatre list facilities are available. Easily bill for Accommodation, Theatre Bands, special cases, Prosthetics, etc. including Electronic Lodgement of all these details via Eclipse Private Hospital facilities.